Nz biodiversity strategy

Nz biodiversity strategy

Posted: lstaticl Date: 12.07.2017

The biodiversity of New Zealanda large island nation located in the southwestern Pacific Oceanis varied and distinctive accumulated over many millions of years as lineages evolved in the local circumstances. Recently a component has been introduced by humans.

New Zealand's pre-human biodiversity exhibited high levels of species endemismbut has experienced episodes of biological turnover.

Global extinction approximately 65 Ma ago, resulted in the loss of fauna such as dinosaurspterosaurs and marine reptiles e. For at least several Ma before the arrival of human and commensal species, the islands had no terrestrial mammals except for bats and sealsthe main component of the terrestrial fauna being insects and birds.

New Zealand has developed a national Biodiversity Action Plan to address conservation of considerable numbers of threatened flora and fauna within New Zealand. The break-up of the supercontinent of Gondwana left the resulting continents and microcontinents with shared biological affinities. Zealandia the continental crust from which New Zealand and New Caledonia later developed began to move away from Antarctic Gondwana 85 Ma ago, the break being complete by 66 Ma ago.

About 23 million years ago New Zealand was mostly underwater. Several elements of Gondwana biota are present in New Zealand today: It seems likely that some primitive mammals also were part of the original cargo. Whether or not any of these taxa are descendents of survivors of that ancient cargo remains unproven.

Recent molecular evidence has shown that even the iconic Gondwanan plants the southern beeches Nothofagus arrived in New Zealand after separation of Zealandia from Gondwana.

There is a high rate of interspecific and intraspecific hybridisation in New Zealand plants and animals. The two sources of New Zealand's biodiversity following separation from Gondwana have been speciation and air- or sea-borne immigration.

Most of these immigrants have arrived from Australia, and have provided the majority of New Zealand's birds [8] and bats as well as some plant species carried on the wind or inside the guts of birds. Some of these immigrants arrived long enough ago that their affinities to their Australian ancestors are uncertain; for example, the affinities of the unusual short-tailed bats Mystacinidae were unknown until fossils from the Miocene were found in Australia.

Cyanoramphus parakeets are thought to have originated in New Caledonia and have been successful at reaching many islands in the region. The link between the two island groups also includes affinities between skink and gecko families. The history, climate and geology of New Zealand have created a great deal of diversity in New Zealand's vegetation types. The main two types of forest have been dominated by podocarps and southern beech.

Podocarps Podocarpaceaean ancient evergreen gymnosperm family of trees, have changed little in the last million years. Forests dominated by podocarps form a closed canopy with an understory of hardwoods and shrubs. The forests of southern beeches, from the genus Nothofaguscomprise a less diverse habitat, with the beeches of four species dominating the canopy and allowing a single understory. In the north of New Zealand the podocarp forests were dominated by the ancient giant kauri.

These trees are amongst the largest in the world, holding the record for the greatest timber volume of any tree. The value of this was not lost on early European settlers, and most of these trees were felled. The remaining vegetation types in New Zealand are grassland of grass and tussockusually associated with the subalpine areas, and the low shrublands between grasslands and forests.

nz biodiversity strategy

These shrublands are dominated by daisieswhich can become woody and 3 m high. Untilit was thought that no mammalsother than bats and marine mammalshad reached New Zealand before humans did.

The fossil has been called SB mammal.

Predator Free New Zealand - step 1.

It is not known when, or why, land mammals became extinct in New Zealand but there were none present on New Zealand for several million years before the arrival of man. The short-tailed bats from the monotypic family Mystacinidaefirst arrived in the Oligocene or before.

These are unique among bats due to their terrestrial foraging habits; this has long been credited to the absence of competing terrestrial mammals, though the presence of the already terrestrial Icarops in the Miocene of Australia shows that their terrestriality evolved in the mainland, while Saint Bathans Fauna mystacine fossils co-existed with another terrestrial mammal, the Saint Bathans mammal.

Some plants have evolved with the bats and are fertilised on the ground by the bats. The long-tailed bat Chalinolobus tuberculatusa more recent arrival, is relatively common. The Miocene Saint Bathans Fauna also preserves remains of a vesper bat and several incertae sedis species.

Birds comprise the most important part of New Zealand's vertebrate fauna. It is uncertain if many birds in Forex vs nyse Zealand are descended from Gondwanan stock, as DNA evidence suggests that even the ratites the kiwis and the moas arrived after the split from Antarctica.

DNA studies seem to indicate that the wrens are the most ancient of all passerinessplitting from the ancestral passerine stock at the time New Zealand become an isolated fund protection stock market program mass.

Stock market turnover to gdp ratio the absence of mammals, birds diversified into the niches usually filled by mammals in other ecosystems.

The moas, of which there were eleven species, were large browsers, and were in turn the prey species of the giant Haast's eagle or Harpagornis eagle. Both the moas and the eagle became extinct shortly after the arrival of humans in New Zealand sometime around CE. It appears that human hunters exterminated the moa populations, which deprived the Harpagornis of its primary food source, leading to the extinction of that species as well.

New Zealand's emblematic kiwis fill the role of small foragers of the leaf-litter, and the enigmatic adzebill was a universal omnivore. The wattlebirds, Callaeidaeare a family endemic to New Zealand, but many nz biodiversity strategy New Zealand birds show clear affinities to Australia, including the New Zealand pigeon and the New Zealand falconas well as various parrots, railswadersowlsand seabirds albeit often with a New Zealand twist.

No agamas or iguanas are recorded from Nz biodiversity strategy Zealand; lizards are represented by geckos and skinkswhich arrived multiple times.

The fossil record shows a highly diverse herpetofauna during the Miocenewith a mekosuchine crocodile and meiolaniid and pleurodire turtles being known from the Saint Bathans Online work from home without investment in ludhiana. Frogs, which urc stock market of their intolerance for saltwater are assumed to have descended from ancestors that broke off from Gondwana, are one of the few exceptions to the rule that amphibians are never found on oceanic islands another being the frogs of Fiji.

New Zealand's few wholly freshwater fishes are derived from diadromous species. New Zealand's invertebrate community displays strong Gondwanan affinities, and has also diversified strongly, if unevenly. There are over a thousand species of snailand many species of insect have become large and in many cases flightless, especially grasshoppers and beetles. There are, however, fewer than 12 species of ant. The most famous of Teradata dba work from home jobs Zealand's insects, the wetasare ground-living relatives of putty options controlling ssh port forwarding crickets that often reach enormous proportions.

New Zealand has a high number of endemic species, [11] such as:.

Of New Zealand's estimated 20, fungi species, only about 4, are known. The arrival of humans in 3 bit synchronous binary counter jk flip flop Zealand has presented a challenge for the native species, causing the extinction of several.

This is predominantly because many species in New Zealand have evolved in the absence of mammalian predators for the last few million years a situation known as ecological naivetythus losing the responses needed to deal with such threats.

Humans brought with them to New Zealand intentionally or otherwise a host of attendant species, starting with the Polynesian ratand now including stoatsweaselsblack ratsNorway ratsbrushtailed possumsand feral cats and dogs, as well as herbivores such as deerwallabies and tahr a wild goat species from the Himalayaswhich detrimentally affect native vegetation.

The Harpagornis and Eyles's harrier are thought to have gone extinct due to what happens to the stock market during deflation loss of their food source.

A third wave of extinction began with the arrival of European settlers, who brought with them numerous new mammal species, particularly the predatory domestic cat, and initiated more habitat modification.

In some instances, the extinction of New Zealand's native fauna has brought about a natural colonisation from Australia. In the case of the silvereyewhich colonised New Zealand in the 19th century, it had no relative in New Zealand's original fauna and is now restricted to newer man-made niches. In the case of the black swan which was originally thought to have been introduced by humans but is now suspected to have self-introducedthe invading species re-occupied part of its former range the extinct New Zealand swan is now believed to be a subspecies of the black swan.

The arrival of the pukeko and the swamp harrier is more interesting, mirroring the arrival of related species in the past, before they evolved into the takahe and the Eyles's harrier.

Once these specialised birds declined and in the case of the harrier became extinct, their niches were available and colonisation could occur again. The New Zealand government, through the Department of Conservationworks aggressively to protect what remains of New Zealand's biological heritage.

It has pioneered work on island restoration where offshore islands are systematically cleared of introduced species such as goats, feral cats and rats. This then allows the re-introduction of native species that can hopefully flourish in the absence of non-native predators and competitors. The longest running project of this type is on Cuvier Island[16] but other islands are also being used such as Tiritiri Matangi and Mangere Island.

Establishment of conservation areas is not restricted to islands however and several ecological islands have been established on the New Zealand mainland which are isolated by the use of pest-exclusion fences. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Flora of New Zealand. Birds of New Zealand. Environmental issues in New Zealand and Deforestation in New Zealand. In Search of Ancient New Zealand. North Shore, New Zealand: Cryptic diversity in a post-Gondwanan lineage with trans-Tasman affinities". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Journal of Biogeography Pages in Encyclopedia of Islands Eds R. University of California Press, Berkeley. Retrieved 9 October We cannot categorically say that there has always been land here.

The geological evidence at present is too weak, so we are logically forced to consider the possibility that the whole of Zealandia may have sunk. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. A review of molecular phylogenetic evidence".

Molecular Ecology, 18, — Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33 6: The Economics of Regulation in Agriculture: Compliance with Public and Private Standards. New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. Retrieved 29 April Higham, and Trevor H. Dating the late prehistoric dispersal of Polynesians to New Zealand using the commensal Pacific ratProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, — Assembly of the New Zealand avifauna.

New Zealand Wild Life. Treaty of Waitangi New Zealand Wars Women's suffrage New Zealand and Antarctica Colony Dominion Independence.

The New Zealand biodiversity strategy. (Book, ) []

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