How to make money with herbalism and alchemy

How to make money with herbalism and alchemy

Posted: Livia Date: 22.06.2017

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Forums Professions Making money with Alchemy and Herbalism.

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Making money with Alchemy and Herbalism Professions 7. Trollbane Turalyon Twilight's Hammer Vashj Vek'nilash Xavius Zenedar. Ok I am a troll druid and I got herbalism and Alchemy as high as I can for my level, and I am going all out on my druid getting him level 85 so I am hoping to get him top level in a week but what I want to know is how to make big money in these Professions.

So first I want to know is are there any good potions for Alchemy that are allways high demand so I can make big money or even little money while waiting for dungeon. Second are there any herbs that are rare and are better to sell to AH as raw materials. Third and last is this a good profession for a PvE healing druid to have. The most important is making sure that the value of the mats you buy or farm, end up making alchemy stuff that adds value.

how to make money with herbalism and alchemy

I'm on a different server, of course, so the economics and demand will doubtless be different, but I found Alchemy to be a major money drain all the way to the top, though Herbalism brought in a modest gold compensation alongside it.

Do look at the Alchemy reference Lobotomy gave. Those are the items I recognise as regular sellers on my how to make money with herbalism and alchemy too.

How to make gold with alchemy ? - World of Warcraft Forums

Blizzard really removed all choice from players. At top level, players do need flasks and potions, but for each class there is exactly one Flask they need and exactly one Potion.

The others are pretty much wasted, and Elixirs seem to have been left in Replacement stock for winchester model 1300, or even Outland.

It's a shame, really, that the shape of the stats is so cookie-cutter. Basically, nobody buys potions or flasks until top level, and only grudgingly then. We Alchemists need to club together and buy some TV ad-time: Maybe the shopping channels Is your love life droopy?

Volcanic Potion will light buying shares in private marketplace up like Vesuvius You can forget about making an actual profit for your time before that, except for the two herbs that grow where people don't want to be bothered flying to.

how to make money with herbalism and alchemy

Potion of Treasure Finding will net a respectable profit for both the seller and the buyer, if the buyer is about to do an hour of dungeoning or farming, but it's not a huge market. Used fully, one potion for which you pay G will get you about G worth of extra loot, but how many 85 will spend with the expectation of making profit on an hour if they have to open the treasure chests as well?

Transmutation was a steady if not spectacular income until Blizzard so effectively nerfed Truegold.

You can forget about it now. The rest are the potions and flasks that players are expected or required to bring to dungeons and raids.

how to make money with herbalism and alchemy

You will make regular living money, but unless you spend hours daily camping the AH or farming herbs, you won't make big money. If it's better depends on you. Have something to say? Log in to join the conversation.

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