Showinputdialog cancel option

Showinputdialog cancel option

Posted: severt Date: 24.05.2017

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java - Error when cancel the showInputDialog - Stack Overflow

How to use canceled button in JOptionPane. Hi, I am using JOptionPane to get an int value for a switch statement, but i can't figure out how i can see if someone clicks the "cancel" option.

I looked in the API for it but i still can't figure it out!

How to use canceled button in JOptionPane (Beginning Java forum at Coderanch)

Doing a quick web search, it appears that clicking "Cancel" causes the input dialog to return null instead of a String. You'll have to get the string returned by the dialog and test it for null to do what you want.

showinputdialog cancel option

It might be a good idea anyway, just in case the user types "two", so you can control the error message he gets and try again. ParseInt" if i were just using JOptionPane and looking for a string then it is simple to see if the input is null. Or do i need to write an extra method just to use the cancel button?

Java prog#125. JOptionPane: Other ways of Using JOptionPane for showing variable values

Hi again, OK i got it fixed ; thanks for the tipp Ralph it got me thinking in the right direction! Here is how i fixed it for a reference for anyone else having this problem.

lazuxyderonav.web.fc2.computDialog Changing the ´cancel´ Button - Stack Overflow

What about one of the other kinds of dialog for JOptionPane? JOptionPane and the default focus. Problems with "while " loops.

showinputdialog cancel option

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