Enable recall outlook 2010

Enable recall outlook 2010

Posted: kornelius29 Date: 25.06.2017

According to this article describing how message recall works , you can do this with two steps:.

First, in Tracking Options, disable "Process requests and responses on arrival". This prevents the recall from taking place until you actually open the recall request.

Moreover, if you have already read the original message before you read the recall message, the recall will fail. Then, via a rule, move recall requests to a new folder upon arrival. Recall requests will fail if the recall message is not in the same folder as the original message, so this prevents it from happening automatically. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.

Outlook Recall A Sent Email Message

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Tips To Customize Microsoft Outlook

Preventing recall in Outlook Is there a way to avoid auto-accepting recall requests on messages you have received? According to this article describing how message recall works , you can do this with two steps: Here's the missing trick, though: I did this myself by creating a rule that matches "Recall: Not ideal, but tested to work successfully.

enable recall outlook 2010

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