Quick ways to make money in pokemon x and y

Quick ways to make money in pokemon x and y

Posted: Motor12 Date: 25.05.2017

I'm in the post-game, and I think I beat almost every trainer. But I'm running low on money Where can I rematch trainers or earn extra money?

I already go battle at the Battle Chateau while holding an Amulet Coin. For one that is a good stratagey, But in the post game you must have a ton of unused items such as nuggets, Big nuggets, Etc.

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Selling some of those would help. And You could Challenge the E4 again with the amulet coin. A method you can try is to use Rock Smash on the breakable boulders on Rout 18, entering the small cave quick ways to make money in pokemon x and y the bottom of the stairs to reset them. Granted, there are only 3 rocks, but they banc de binary options trading algorithm a lot of Stardusts.


Not exactly a time efficient quick ways to make money in pokemon x and y however. You can also take advantage of the fact that this is the only place to find Shuckle. Makes it worth it until you find one at least.

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