Excel vba user defined function optional parameter

Excel vba user defined function optional parameter

Posted: Mariquita Date: 08.06.2017

Even when Excel has a lot, probably hundreds, of built in functions like SUM, VLOOKUP, LEFT, and so on, once you start using Excel for more complicated tasks, you will often find that you need a function that doesn't exist. Don't worry, you're not lost at all, all you need is to create the function yourself.

In Microsoft Excel eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion erstellen. Community Dashboard Random Article About Us Categories Recent Changes. Write an Article Request a New Article Answer a Request More Ideas Create a new workbook or open the workbook in which you want to use your newly created User Defined Function UDF. Add a new Module to your workbook by clicking in the button shown.

You can create the user defined function in the Worksheet itself without adding a new module, but that will make you unable to use the function in other worksheets of the same workbook.

Create the "header" or "prototype" of your function. It has to have the following structure: You may think of parameters as the "operands" your function will act upon. For example, when you say SIN 45 to calculate the Sine of 45 degree, 45 will be taken as a parameter.

Then the code of your function will use that value to calculate something else and present the result. Add the code of the function making sure you 1 use the values provided by the parameters; 2 assign the result to the name of the function; and 3 close the function with "end function".

excel vba user defined function optional parameter

Learning to program in VBA or in any other language can take some time and a detailed tutorial. However, functions usually have small code blocks and use very few features of a language.

The more useful elements of the VBA language are: The If block, which allows you to execute a part of the code only if a condition is met. IF condition THEN code ELSE code END IF. The Else keyword along with the second part of the code are optional.

The Do block, which executes a part of the code While or Until a condition is met. Notice also the second line in which a variable is "declared". You can add variables to your code so you can use them later. Variables act as temporary values inside the code.

Finally, notice the declaration of the function as BOOLEAN, which is a datatype that allows only the TRUE and FALSE values. This method of determining if a number is prime is by far not the optimal, but I've left it that way to make the code easier to read.

The For blockwhich executes a part of the code a specified number of times. Also notice the added ElseIf element in the If statement, which allows you to add more options to the code that is to be executed. Finally, notice the excel vba user defined function optional parameter of the function and london stock exchange hours trading variable "result" as Long.

The Long datatype allows values much larger than Integer. Shown below is the code for a function that converts small numbers into words.

Go back to your workbook and use the function by starting the content of a cell brother bo stock market an equal sign followed by the name of your function.

Append to the name of the function an opening parenthesis, the parameters separated by commas and a final rbs forex traders parenthesis.

Just click in the Fx button located to the left of the formula bar. The parameters can be of three types: Constant values typed directly in the cell formula. Strings have to be quoted in this case.

Rating sites binary options references like B6 or range references like A1: C3 the parameter has to be of the Range datatype Other functions nested inside your function your function can also be nested inside other functions. Verify the result is Ok after using the function several times to ensure it handles different parameter values correctly: How do I know what to forex strategy reveal as the function code?

In order to create functions, you need a skill called "programming". Excel macros are written in a language called "Visual Basic for Applications", which you will need to learn to be able to write macros.

Creating Custom Functions with Optional Arguments

It's quite easy once you've got the hang of it though! Not Helpful 8 Helpful 7. Read the directions several times, leaving time for you to absorb between readings.

Also practice writing VBA to do various things. Not Helpful 3 Helpful 1. Answer this question Flag as Will UDF be available if other people are currently using the workbook? How can I use these functions in all Excel files? How do I create help for my custom function, like the pre-loaded functions in Excel have?

Excel User Defined Function With Optional Parameters – Manhattan Dave

Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. If this question or a similar one is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know. Tips Whenever you write a block of code inside a control structure like If, For, Do, etc.

How to: Define Optional Parameters for a Procedure (Visual Basic)

That will make your code easier to understand and you'll find a lot easier to spot errors and make improvements. If you don't know how to write the code for a function, read How to Write a Simple Macro in Microsoft Excel. Sometimes, a function may not require all the parameters to calculate a result. In that case you can use the keyword Optional before the name of the parameter in the function header. Use a name that's not already defined as a function name in Excel or you'll end up being able to use only one of the functions.

Excel has many built in functions and most calculations can be done by using them either independently or in combination.

Make sure you go through the list of available functions before you start coding your own. Execution may be faster if you use the built in functions. Warnings Due to security measures, some people may disable macros. Make sure you let your colleagues know the book you're sending them has macros and that they can trust they're not going to damage their computers. The functions used in this article are, by no means, the best way to solve the related problems.

They were used here only to explain the usage of the control structures of the language. VBA, as any other language, has several other control structures besides Do, If and For. Those have been explained here only to clarify what kind of things can be done inside the function source code. There are many online tutorials available where you can learn VBA. Edit Related wikiHows WH. Microsoft Excel In other languages: In Microsoft Excel eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion erstellen Discuss Print Email Edit Send fan mail to authors.

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